books, ness talks books

lowered expectations | reading log #3

Last year I read 100 books. It was a close thing at the end there, but I did it.

(Honestly, looking at the above, I’m not sure what happened in July and August. Some form of unhingedness probably.)

But this year? Oh no. This year I’m lowering that figure to twelve books. Just twelve. I know, I know – gasp, sit down, send for the smelling salts, do whatever you need to do. I’m shocked too.

so far …

I have found the thoroughly charming ‘Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries’. It’s a wonderful audiobook and I would absolutely recommend. It reminded me of ‘A Natural History of Dragons’ by Marie Brennan and the Amelia Peabody series by Elizabeth Peters, if that’s any enticement.

(And a little of my own small book too.)

I also read Volume 2 of ‘The Unreal and the Real’ by Ursula K Le Guin and it was fantastic; it’s really given me a thirst for short stories, & for the potential they give. She’s marvellously creative and an inspiration to us all. Thank you.

From time to time one or two of her short stories will just pop into my head, particularly the one with the winged people. Hmm. Maybe it’s time for another reread?

it went very nicely with the congee

I have another audiobook on the go – ‘QAnon and On’. I was just listening to it on the train. Unfortunately I was rather too tired so I had to skip back to try and understand what was happening. I … definitely was taking it all in. Ah-hem.

And then, in news that shocks no one, I’ve been rereading ‘The Goblin Emperor’ by Katherine Addison which has now been on three continents. A well-travelled tome.

a blurred image of The Book, in case you have forgotten what it looks like.

I’ve literally been talking about this book since 2016. Wow. It still holds up, though I believe perhaps I shouldn’t read it quite as often. It might wear its magic out.

… Ah. Upon reading the above, I think that my twelve book goal may be attainable this year. However, I refuse to amend it. No, no. 2024 isn’t going to have the massive to-do list that 2023 had. I’m going to keep my goals short and my attitude that of one willing to being pleasantly surprised.

happy reading & what are YOUR reading goals this year?

ness talks about life

2023 – it also happened

(I’m borrowing shamelessly from last year’s post title.)

This year has been immensely eventful. I’ve worked a lot, travelled a little, and attempted to study. I’ve picked up hobbies, I’ve laid down hobbies, I’ve done an entire year of learning Mandarin (shout out to my tutor who is very patient with my snail-slow progress), sat a few exams, read 100 books and have done very, very, very little writing.

I’m studying it instead, you see. So it kinda counts?

me telling this bloke a joke. obviously it is very funny.


Life was lived and it’s had some very lovely turns of events and other rather tricky ones and all the emotions in-between. Our brains are not always the kindest things, but you have to keep going – joy comes with the morning, as the good book says.

(I still can’t believe I got to travel with Hayden, who visited this blog long before visiting me.)

i learned that if a country is hot – you must use an umbrella for shade. i then used one in london during a heatwave and a man made a snarky comment about expecting rain. ah, the british. this photo is not of london though, it is of porto

But, dear friends, Romans, countrymen … 2023 has left me feeling tired and recovering from a particularly horrid cold, and so you will forgive me if I’m content in closing its chapter; I’m ready, and indeed, quite excited, for the new one.


100 books have been completed. Thank you, thank you – I did stay up late reading The Angel of the Crows , and I learned that it started life as fanfiction; a final plot twist in a surprising Sherlock Holmes retelling by the author of my favourite book. And no, it did not unseat The Goblin Emperor. What could?

I’ve just finished the Hunger Games Trilogy which was interesting. Yes, I’m late to read them but pfft. Better late than never!

This year, I also read three books on cephalopods and one, ah, enlightening book about animal penises. What can I say? My curiosity cannot be contained. I also went on an environmental exploration and became very upset about the fate of vaquitas, dragged ‘The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History’ all the way to Portugal with me, reread the Red Rising trilogy, went on a Greek Mythology kick and … okay, look, it’s been a busy year of reading.

And I’ve … really enjoyed it?

I would recommend ‘the sixth extinction: an unnatural history’ but it is also very very depressing


The less we speak of this, the better. I’m studying it now. And that means you simply have to write short stories, and poems, and little blips etc etc.

However, on the topic of my bigger projects – they are forever and always in the back of my brain. They haunt me. I am hoping that in 2024 I’ll be able to lay at least one of them to rest. And by that I mean … completing them.

Thank you.


As you know, I’m part of a musical duo and this year? We released this absolute bop. Yes. I’m allowed to call it that. It has 20 YouTube views now, so we’re like, super famous. (Let me know if you want an autograph.)

a b s o l u t e [cowboy] b o p

I’ve been informed that it needs words. But pfft, does it though? DOES IT THOUGH?


By now, I’m heartily sick of tales of my own hubris life. I wish for you that if there were any wounds inflicted in 2023, that 2024 heals them, that whatever joys you encountered carry on into the new year and that we all remember – in this often unhinged and tumultuous world we inhabit – to find our courage, and to be a little kinder.

(And my gosh, let’s pray, hope, and work for a kinder world for everyone. Our circles of influence may be small, but ripples … er, ripple. Butterfly effect and all that.)

happy reading & happy new year!

apologies to the bystanders caught in this photo